Mini-Grant Details

Learn about the specific mini-grant application requirements, important dates, contact information, and other project details below.

Important Information

Deadline: Applications are accepted on an ongoing, rolling basis (April 1 recommended)

Email[email protected]

Subject Line: 2024 Mini-Grant Application (Organization Name)

Submission Type: PDF or Microsoft Word Document

Application Information

Name, Title, Email, Phone Number, Organization Information (Name, Address, Website, Description)

Project Information

Title, Amount Requested, Municipality, Description, Timeline

Submission should not exceed two (2) pages, single-spaced, Arial 11-point type, 1/2-inch margins

Matching & Funding

Total project awards range from $1,000 to $5,000

50% of the full grant will be awarded at the beginning of the project. After completion of the project milestone & submission of a Mini-Grant milestone report, the remaining funds will be released to the grantee pending approval of the Mini-Grant program manager

The applicant must cover at least 25% of the project cost through other funding streams

Other Requirements

If the Mini-Grant proposal is selected to be awarded, the Mini-Grant Awardees will have responsibilities in addition to implementing the project. These responsibilities will be outlined in a Grant Agreement that the Awardee will sign in advance of receiving funds from the Mini-Grant program.

This Agreement requires the following:

- Press & Media Coverage
- Milestone Report
- Associated Materials
- Final Report

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