Date: April 25th, 2019

Location: Jefferson Elementary School, Janesville, WI

Event Name: Jefferson Elementary School Earth Day Event

Amount of People Engaged: 73 

Length: 5:30 – 7:00

Style: Tabling Event and Enviroscape

Number of Protect Wisconsin Waterways Representatives: 4

On Thursday, April 25th the PWW team attended Jefferson Elementary’s after school Earth Day Event in Janesville.  At the event, we engaged with a total of 73 community members by giving the enviroscape demonstration and talking about proper stormwater practices.  This demonstration allowed us to identify the many ways we, as community members, inadvertently pollute our waterways everyday. After identifying and explaining a number of the pollutants, we encouraged the event attendees to take part in safer stormwater practices.  The majority of the community members we talked with consisted of young families. We handed out our pens, pencils, stickers, and wristbands to those we spoke to and encouraged them to look us up on social media to learn more!