University of Wisconsin – Whitewater

Stormwater at UW-Whitewater

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus spans over 400 acres of land in Jefferson and Walworth Counties and includes several large areas of impervious surfaces (parking lots, buildings, and sidewalks) that discharge stormwater into nearby Whitewater Creek, which is part of the Rock River watershed. Since the campus serves a population of over 10,000 people (based on overall enrollment figures), UW-Whitewater must adhere to Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements similar to over 200 other municipalities in Wisconsin and joined the Rock River Stormwater Group for public education efforts. The campus remains committed to reducing stormwater runoff pollution by implementing stormwater best management practices (BMPs).

Visit the UW-Whitewater website for more information about stormwater on the campus. You can also connect with the UW-Whitewater Sustainability Office for on-campus volunteer opportunities like participating in the Water Action Volunteers stream monitoring program. The group regularly engages students, staff, and community members in monitoring three creeks in the Whitewater area, including nearby Whitewater Creek which is directly impacted by stormwater runoff from the UW-Whitewater campus. Interns from the UW-Whitewater Sustainability Office also routinely inspect the campus’ primary stormwater outfall, located near Ray Trost Nature Preserve, as part of stream monitoring activities during the months of March through October. The dedicated stormwater outfall discharges stormwater collected from the northern third of campus.

Continue reading below to discover how you can help Protect Wisconsin’s Waterways and make sure to view the drone photos from above the UW-Whitewater Nature Preserve.

Join a Rock River Clean-Up on September 23, 2023

Join volunteers from around the Rock River Watershed and participate on Saturday, September 23, 2023, to help clean up trash and prevent it from entering local waterways.

Register by August 13th for a FREE Protect Wisconsin Waterways t-shirt and gardening gloves.

Adopt a Drain – Help Protect Wisconsin’s Waterways!

Do you live next to a storm drain? Is your campus organization looking for a way to help? The Storm Drain Protector Program is an opportunity for you to help prevent water pollution on campus or near your off-campus residence. Plus, you can also adopt a storm drain in your hometown. Even if you don’t live near a creek, river, or lake, your actions can have a direct impact on the health of our waterways. Protect a storm drain today by preventing pollution (grass clippings, leaves, fertilizer, and other chemicals) from entering the storm drain and #protectwiwaterways!

Adopt a Storm Drain Today!

Learn More About Wisconsin Stormwater Week

August 5-13, 2023 is Wisconsin Stormwater Week. Help UW-Whitewater and the Rock River Stormwater Group celebrate and find resources about things you can do to help Protect Wisconsin’s Waterways.

Photos from Above UW-Whitewater Nature Preserve

Have you ever wondered what the UW-Whitewater Nature Preserve looks like from above? Check out the drone photos from this area of campus courtesy of the Rock River Stormwater Group!

UW-Whitewater Nature Preserve Whitewater WI (1)